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Presentation Time

Tier IV started off the morning by presenting our slides on the Post Affordable Care Act and MACRA. MACRA stands for Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act and the goal of it is to improve overall patient health and to reward practices that improve health in a cost-efficient manner. As you may know, there are always pros and cons to a subject. With PACA, there are many pros and cons that we learned through our presentation and along with other my peer's presentation.


  • Patients included in their care

  • Electronic health systems

  • Eliminated the Sustainable Growth Rate formula (SGR)

  • Made to reduce costs for patients


  • Are all physicians equipped to handle this?

  • Protection of electronic records

  • Could miss incentives even if following protocol

Unfortunately, Rose was not able to be here with us today because she was sick but Manaal was able to present her part and I think we ended up doing a great job with our presentation.

After our presentations, we had the rest of the day virtual. At 1:30, Erica Schumann came zoom called us to talk to us about gap years, why we want to pursue something in healthcare, and what traits we have that draw us to our interests. Some of the questions that she asked us was "Is there a trait you possess that draws you to your chosen path and will benefit you in your career? Why does a program like MedEx interest you?" The notes that I wrote down to answer these questions were,

"I would like to believe that a trait that I have that draws me to occupational therapy is empathy. When going into the OT path, you are going to interact with people that do not have the opportunity and skills that you are able to have. For example, I have interacted with patients who are blind, autistic, have CP, are wheel-chair bound, and so many more. A program like MedEx provides me with that opportunity to better my future. Many people do not get opportunity so when it presents itself, I am all for it."

Later on in the day, we had a zoom meeting with Chris and all of the M2's. They were able to provide us with feedback with how they saw us improved throughout each interview. Eli said that we have been killing the interviews lately and that our growth and professionalism has been outstandingly clear. I am really proud of not only myself, but my peers as well for doing such a great job with interviews. I understand that the hotseat spot light can be very intimidating, but everyone handled it so well and this exercise has been so beneficial.



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