Anatomy Lab
This morning we started out with a presentation from Chris about competencies for entering graduate schools. Some of the competencies for medical school are interpersonal, intrapersonal, thinking and reasoning, and science. On the other hand, the competencies for nursing school are leading yourself, leading others, and leading the organization. This lecture allowed me to see how customer service relates to patient care. I have been a server for about five years now, and something that I have learned the most about the job is about how to treat customers so they leave happy and satisfied. This job will help me in the future to treat patients and interact with them. Since a big problem in health care is apathy and burn out, I think exposure to customers will allow me to aid future patients.
For Dr. Eprights lecture today, we learned about Law and Ethics and how they are related but not interchangeable. An example that is first perfect with this point are masks and if the government has the right to force you to wear one. Religion and ethics also play a role. You do not have to have both at all times.
After lunch, Dr. Williams, the anatomy professor, introduced us to the anatomy lab that we will be working in throughout our time at MedEx. Dr. Williams explained the importance of what we will be doing in lab. The bodies that we will be analyzing and learning on are donors who have donated their body to science. They are human beings and they have had life experiences before and it is important to recognize that. Another important factor that Dr. Williams expressed on was :
Patients still have autonomy even after they pass away. Therefore, spreading patient information about any of the donors would go against HIPPA and we have to continue to respect that component.
Lab time
It's lab time! Today we looked at the back and upper portion of the body. Walking in the anatomy lab was cold and different. There was a smell of aldehyde that is used to cover the initial smell of the environment . When we approached the bench, I took a deep breath. I did this in order to gather myself of what is to come. I just kept thinking to myself "This was a person with family". After gathering myself, it was time to learn! The M2's did an amazing job of teaching us about the arm and back. I was able to see muscles such as pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, and rotator cuff muscles that connect to the humerus and move the arm. It was amazing to grasp the fact that I am given the opportunity to see inside the human this is inside of me. I had a fantastic experience in anatomy lab and I continue to appreciate the abundance of opportunity that we are given to further our education.