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Clinical Day Schedules

This morning we were introduced to the Philanthropy department. We learned about their funding and the impact that grows on Prisma Health. I was actually able to connect a little bit with the Philanthropy aspect because I worked at Clemson's Annual Giving Office for my sophomore year and I had a great time being a part of that.

Next, the interns were able to explain to us what the AMCAS is the process for that. Although I am not pre-med, I was still able to relate since OT school also has a similar application process called the OTCAS (Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service). We had a lot of lectures today and we also got our schedules for who we are going to be shadowing for clinicals! The lectures were awesome. In particular, we had a nurse come in and I think we all loved her. Her personality was so open, she related to us, and she was funny. Having her speak to us on Day 2 worked out great because we felt comforted and that we had someone looking out for us throughout our MedEx journey. It is wild to see how impactful a speaker can be for just an hour.

SHADOWING! Although I am on the occupational therapy route, until I find some therapists around the area to shadow, I am shadowing doctors in the hospital! On my schedule, I have things like surgery, the emergency room, psychiatry! But, on Thursday, I get to shadow internal medicine with Dr. Chilcote! I am nervous but also very excited!

We ended the day working on our wix!



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