College! College! College!
To start the day off we had a lecture from Al! I always look forward to his presentations because they are so interesting and engaging! Next, Christine and Harrison gave us a presentation on colleges which helped me gain a lot of insight on the application process.
Wow, I can’t believe that I have already began my college application process. Today we spent many hours on lectures about college and careers. It was extremely helpful to know what certain colleges have to offer. These lectures modeled how our college life would be in different settings/universities. Our speakers sold us every school that they told us. Through their enthusiasm, we were engaged in the speech which led us to ask many questions about the colleges of our interest. I cannot express how much these lectures help us find our path. As seniors, we are under the impression of having to know what we want to do and what path we have to follow. However, that is not the case. We have our whole life ahead of us, so taking the time to figure out our true passions and interests are totally worth the time.

Next, Al gave us a presentation on some of the things college dropouts said would have been beneficial to them. This presentation opened my eyes to just how many people there are that never complete college and also how its likely that not everyone around me will end up graduating. This inspired me to work hard so I will hopefully end up achieving my goals. Our speakers also advised us how to act during an interview, and how to answer questions during an interview. These were all helpful tips that we would definitely use in our future as a student, or a doctor.
Especially now, jobs and schools seek students who have great interviewing skills. Interviews can be a nerve- wracking experience for most people, and also very time consuming for those who practice hour after hour. However, they determine whether that particular person will be a good match for that job or school. I believe that interviews give an opportunity to sell yourself from what's not on your application. It allows the interviewers to view who you are and how you carry yourself. Simple tasks such as making constant eye contact can be very beneficial.
Since most of us have already started applying for college, a day full of lectures about college was just what we needed. These are all preparing us for our future at such an early age, and I couldn't be more thankful for it.