IPM Case 2
This morning we started the day with Mr. Al Squire. Uncle Al always has amazing presentations so I know I am not falling asleep this morning. Al’s presentation was called “Secrets of Success to Excelling At The Next Level”. It was fun to follow along since he related it to the bachelor, of course. Throughout the presentation, I learned what Early decision really meant and if that is something I am wanting to consider. We know that there is going to be anxiety that comes with this journey to Occupational Therapy School. Towards the end of Al’s talk, he asked us some hard interview questions. We went over some, and through that process I learned that all of my peers have their own personal life experiences and not all of them are pretty. Drow told Al that he struggled with the "Why do you want to be a doctor" questions. So, Al brought him up to the front for him to attempt to answer that in front of all of us. Drow started out by saying he values a human life and Al cut him off immediately. He told Drow to dig deeper and find the true meaning of why he values a human life. Then Drow's expression changed and he got serious. He said in 2020, he had lost three of his best friends in a car accident. They passed away on the spot. We all were shocked because we were not expecting that. Tears rushed Drow's face and watching him go up there, be vulnerable with us, and cry made me tear up. However, Drow did it adn that is why a human life is so important. My MedEx tier is amazing and they are also so brave to share their stories in front of all of us.

Dr. Epright had a lecture today about ethics and the principles of biomedical ethics. Four of these principles are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Principles are intended to be equal, value, and application determined by the situation. I learned that in practice, autonomy tends to dominate discussions in medicine. Autonomy means that rational individuals should be permitted to be self-determining. With this, each individual is uniquely qualified to decide what is in his or her best interest. During this lecture, I learned that inorder to be a student at Bob Jones, you have to abide by a dictionary worth of rules such as not watching shows that are not PG in your dorm room, not being able to walk with the opposite sex outside of campus, and other rules. Personally, I can not imagine if these rules were placed at Clemson. The next topic focused on how healthcare workers are protesting against the vaccine in Texas. This is terrifying. This also scares me because I know friends that are pre-health and are against the vaccine. It scares me because I know they will be helping people in the future, and some of those patients are going to have underlying health conditions. I simply do not see this as fair for the community, but then again, you cannot force people to get vaccinated. It is a hard topic.
During lunch today, Emma Kate introduced us to this ping-pong game called "Around the world" and I am pretty sure we are all obsessed with it now so enjoy this picture:)
